spirit away

Summary: This is my "Spirit Away" story, I wandered up a deserted trail covered with autumn leaves and heard the song amid the empty mist...

ishikiri shopping street
ceremony dragon
yellow potatoes
flying horse in front of ishikiri dream kannon
a fry egg breakfast flower
ishikiri shrine
rainbow of the shrine
wishing turtle
world of turtles
the autumn of tombs
truck selling lamp fuel
immovable emperor
twin statues of buddha
trail of buddha statues
carpet of autumn
rank of buddhas
deep in autumn
empty temple
stone lamp
trail to ikoma zan
corpses of petal
trail of mist
walk into the mystery
ride to amusement park
roller coaster in ikoma amusement park
mist of amusement
happy house
robotic playmate
cable car to ikoma station
delicious strawberries
back to the mist
hell of amusement park
doggy cable car
dogs of nations
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